Learning to vote in order to lessen evil.
Hospitality may be the greatest bulwark against both hostility and hypocrisy. Tolerance, by contrast, requires only disregard and apathy. Christians are called to hospitality.
What happens when you have a discussion about shariah (Islamic law) with a Muslim in London? Well, you might end up with damp socks. But that is not all. Read on…
Whether Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God is a question that often occupies or minds. Here we add in Mormons and explore the question at length.
As a photographer residing in the UK (who often travels to the US), I sometimes come across some rather stunning scenes. I’ll aim to share them from time to time. I hope you like them.
The law, that is, the levitical system, was reveled through angels, if Stephen, Paul, and the writer of Hebrews are to be believed. But their claims often are found to be baffling or simply misunderstood, if one reads the commentaries. However, a lesser-known Jewish tradition helps elucidate the words of these early Christian communicators.
Following some very unfortunate experiences with the previous iteration of this blog, I have selected a new provider and expect to repost some older material and publish some new. Enjoy!